Masaj erotic Pipera, o experienta senzoriala de neuitat
330 RON
Masaj erotic Pipera, o experienta senzoriala de neuitat,
330 RON
iti ofer o escapada senzuala in nordul capitalei, unde te astept cu servicii de masaj erotic, fara contact sexual. Serviciile sunt de inalta calitate, te vei putea bucura de momente de relaxare, fara graba si rasfat autentic intr-un spatiu premium, discret si curat. Ofer seriozitate, implicare, excelenta in arta masajului erotic!
Permite-ti sa te deconectezi si sa explorezi placerile unei experiente unice.
Contacteaza-ma telefonic sau prin WhatsApp pentru mai multe detalii si programari (in cazul in care nu iti raspund la telefon, lasa-mi un mesaj pe whatsapp si revin catre tine in cel mai scurt timp).
-Poze reale- confirmare prin video.
-Program: incepand cu ora 10:00.
The Perfect Treat Awaits You!
I offer you a sensual escape in the north of the capital, where I await you with erotic massage services, without sexual contact. You will be able to enjoy moments of relaxation and authentic pampering in a discreet and clean space.
Allow yourself to disconnect and explore the pleasures of a unique experience.
Contact me by phone or whatsapp for more details and reservations!
Permite-ti sa te deconectezi si sa explorezi placerile unei experiente unice.
Contacteaza-ma telefonic sau prin WhatsApp pentru mai multe detalii si programari (in cazul in care nu iti raspund la telefon, lasa-mi un mesaj pe whatsapp si revin catre tine in cel mai scurt timp).
-Poze reale- confirmare prin video.
-Program: incepand cu ora 10:00.
The Perfect Treat Awaits You!
I offer you a sensual escape in the north of the capital, where I await you with erotic massage services, without sexual contact. You will be able to enjoy moments of relaxation and authentic pampering in a discreet and clean space.
Allow yourself to disconnect and explore the pleasures of a unique experience.
Contact me by phone or whatsapp for more details and reservations!
4.858 vizualizari
Bucuresti, Sector 1, 14 Mar. '25 (11:44)