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Satisfactia nu e doar garantata... e inevitabila
Satisfactia nu e doar garantata... e inevitabila.
Satul de taceri stanjenitoare? Nu-i problema. Vorbesc destul pentru amandoi! Garantez ca rad la glumele tale (chiar si la cele proaste), ma prefac ca echipa ta de fotbal e de Champions League. Iar daca Te simti tensionat, Lasa-ma sa ma ocup de... stresul tau. Fie ca vrei vorbe dulci, glume picante sau doar pe cineva care sa-ti aprecieze 'burta de bere' sunt aici sa livrez. Satisfactia nu e doar garantata... e inevitabila.
Tired of awkward silences? No problem. I talk enough for both of us! I guarantee I'll laugh at your jokes (even the bad ones), I'll pretend your football team is in the Champions League. And if you feel tense, let me handle... your stress. Whether you want sweet words, spicy jokes, or just someone to appreciate your "beer belly" I'm here to deliver. Satisfaction isn't just guaranteed... it's inevitable.
Tired of awkward silences? No problem. I talk enough for both of us! I guarantee I'll laugh at your jokes (even the bad ones), I'll pretend your football team is in the Champions League. And if you feel tense, let me handle... your stress. Whether you want sweet words, spicy jokes, or just someone to appreciate your "beer belly" I'm here to deliver. Satisfaction isn't just guaranteed... it's inevitable.
3.284 vizualizari
Bucuresti, Sector 1, 23 Mar. '25 (09:55)
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