Tekmar Consulting Romanian courses for foreigners
Tekmar Consulting Romanian courses for foreigners
Categorie: Cursuri
Tip curs: limbi straine
Ofera cursuri de limba romana pentru straini. Cursurile se adreseaza studentilor de orice varsta si cu orice nivel de cunoastere al limbii.Tipuri de cursuri: cursuri pentru nivel incepator, intermediar sau avansat: cursuri la clasa, individual sau online, dimineata, seara sau in weekend.
Instructori: Doctori si doctoranzi, profesori de la Universitatea Bucuresti, autori de manuale de limba romana pentru straini.ROLANG School provides Romanian courses for foreigners.Programs are suitable for students of any age and all the levels of the language skills.Types of courses: courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced: class courses, individual and online courses, morning, evening and weekend courses.Instructors: PhDs, teachers from the University of Bucharest, authors of Romanian for foreigners manuals.
Instructori: Doctori si doctoranzi, profesori de la Universitatea Bucuresti, autori de manuale de limba romana pentru straini.ROLANG School provides Romanian courses for foreigners.Programs are suitable for students of any age and all the levels of the language skills.Types of courses: courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced: class courses, individual and online courses, morning, evening and weekend courses.Instructors: PhDs, teachers from the University of Bucharest, authors of Romanian for foreigners manuals.
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