209.000 €

Stefan cel Mare, Sp. Colentina, et 3, decomandat, bl 1981

  • Suprafata 96 mp
  • An 1981
  • Decomandat
  • Etaj 3 din 10
  • Ștefan cel Mare ...4 min.
  • Calculeaza distanta
Sector 2, ieri, 17:28

Descriere anunt

Stefan cel Mare, Sp. Colentina, et 3, decomandat, bl 1981

Apt 4 camere decomandat la etajul 3 renovat complet si modernizat cu materiale de cea mai buna calitate, instalatii electrice si sanitare noi gresie faianta parchet bambus densificat, bucatarie Ikea dotata cu electrocasnice perfect functionale holuri generoase 2 bai , 1 Ac 12000 Btu , 2 balcoane spatioase , totul nou . Blocul este stradal reabilitat vedere mixta , scara civilizata. Apropiere Metrou, Parcul Circului Igp Barbu Vacarescu Sp Colentina scoala gimnaziala 24 , 28, precum si numeroase institutii publice. Loc parcare ADP inchiriat (dar nu face obiectul tranzactiei)

Caracteristici, dotari

Optiuni interior
2 grupuri sanitare
Aer conditionat
Inst. electrice noi
Inst. sanitare noi
Izolatie termica
Renovat recent
Usa metalica
Optiuni exterior
Reabilitat termic
Structura beton

Acces mijloace transport

Statii metrou Timp
Ștefan cel Mare 4 min.

Obiective interes

1. Gradinita nr. 138 sector 2 0212106377 Str. Tunari, nr. 52, sector 2
2. Nicoland - Cresa, Gradinita Bucuresti 0766237114 Str. Raspantiilor, Nr. 7, Sector 2
3. Alfred Fronius - Gradinita si afterschool in limba germana Bucuresti 0372978427; 0726715499 Str. Tunari, Nr. 39 (zona Stefan Cel Mare), sector 2
4. Alfred Fronius - Gradinita si afterschool in limba germana Bucuresti 0729699619; 0726715499 Str. Tunari, nr. 39, sector 2
5. Cartea cu Povesti - Gradinita Bucuresti 0766237114 Str. Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 127A, sector 2,
6. Little Primary Education - Gradinita Bucuresti 0733331333 Intr. Docherilor, Nr. 3, Sector 2
7. Tom Sawyer - Gradinita sector 2 0722529958 Str. Bratului, nr. 14, sector 2
8. Gradinita Nr. 252 Bucuresti 0212302296 Calea Dorobantilor, nr. 60, sector 1
9. Smart Kinder Villa - Before & After School Bucuresti 0726285699; 0728472197 Str. Nicolae Beldiceanu, nr. 2, sector 1
10. Gradinita Nr. 133 sector 2 0212116749 Str. Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 30 - 32, sector 2
11. Ioanid - Gradinita Bucuresti 0758054441 Str. Polona, Nr. 4, Sector 1,
12. Springfield Education - Gradinita si After School Bucuresti 0734710573; 0721707879 Str. Soltuzului, Nr. 10, Sector 2, Bucuresti
13. Gradinita Montessori Livada cu copii sector 2 0757467127; 0721204642 Str. Toamnei, nr. 76-78, sector 2
14. Clubul Copiilor Sector 2 - Bucuresti 0212106432 Intr. Cobilitei, Nr. 8, Sector 2, Bucuresti
15. Gradinita Nr. 257 Alice sector 2 0212114524 Str. Alexandru Donici, Nr. 23, sector 2
16. Scoala Italiana Aldo Moro - Gradinita,scoala, liceu, Bucuresti 0212104684 Intr. Blaj, nr. 1, Sector 1, Bucuresti
17. Mami si Tati - Gradinita, Before & After School Bucuresti 0721177543; 0762616442 Str. Grigore Alexandrescu, Nr. 58, sector 1, Bucuresti
18. Edu & Care - After School, cursuri pentru copii Bucuresti 0721571086 Str. Chopin, nr. 2 B, sector 2
19. Happy Kids - Gradinita si after school Bucuresti 0770708392 Str. Scoala Floreasca, Nr. 3, Sector 1, Bucuresti
20. Rio - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0740025434; 0748633314 Str. Luigi Galvani, Nr. 13A, Sector 2, Bucuresti
21. Licurici - Gradinita Bucuresti 0212104790 Bd. Dacia, Nr. 134, Sector2, Bucuresti
22. Dani\'s Children, Cresa, Gradinita, After School - Bucuresti 0721800099 Str. Silvestru, Nr. 42, Sector 2, Bucuresti
23. Gradinita Nr. 203 Bucuresti 0213112352 Str. C. A. Rosetti, nr. 32, Sector 1
24. Iepurasul cel Istet - Cresa, Gradinita, After School sector 2 0731488715; 0722121779 Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 179, sector 2
25. Castelul Copiilor din Tei, Gradinita - Bucuresti 0212109962; 0764738888; 0739770707 Str. Sfanta Treime, Nr. 28, Sector 2, Bucuresti
26. Analesia - Gradinita & AfterSchool in limba germana Bucuresti 0741332222; 0741332226 Str. Paris, nr. 57, sector 1
27. Maria International School - Gradinita, Scoala primara si afterschool Bucuresti 0730432092 Str. Piata Amzei, Nr. 6, Sector 1, Bucuresti
28. Albinuta - Gradinita sector 2 0212303377 Str. Dinu Lipatti, nr. 1, sector 2
29. Gradinita Nr. 7 Bucuresti 0212421714 Str. Maica Domnului, Nr. 61 - 63, Sector 2
30. Sofia - Gradinita Bucuresti 0721006006; 0212311505 Str. Sofia, Nr. 20, Sector 1
31. Steaua Nordului - Before and Afterschool Bucuresti 0745040940 Str. Andrei Muresanu, nr. 27, sector 1
32. INNA Kids Academy - Before & Afterschool Bucuresti 0723290372 Str. Johann Sebastian Bach, nr. 10, Sector 2
33. Gradinita Nr. 251 Bucuresti 0212301417 Str. Venezuela, nr. 11, sector 1
34. Zuppy - Gradinita, After School sector 2 0753915058 Str. Otesani, nr. 69, Sector 2
35. Don Castor, Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0757073929; 0217945396 Str. Vaselor, Nr. 17A, Sector 2, Bucuresti
36. Cei Trei Muschetari - Before si After School, Bucuresti 0724384924 Str. Vaselor, Nr. 40, Sector 2, Bucuresti
37. Kinderakademie - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0724661760; 0727427004 Str. Sfintii Voievozi, Nr. 28, Sector 1, Bucuresti
38. Puzzle Edu Center - Centru educational sector 2 0724536293 Str. Gheorghe Pop de Basesti, nr. 17, Sector 2
39. Gradinita cu program prelungit Nr. 135 0212421805 Str. Masina de Paine, nr. 65, sector 2
40. Ina School - Gradinita si scoala primara, Bucuresti 0722500899 Str. Lacul Gorgova, nr. 2, Sector 2
41. Montessori Edu - Centru educational, Bucuresti 0721833901 Str. Mantuleasa, nr. 21, sector 2
42. Waldorf Christophori - Gradinita Bucuresti 0770861602 Str. Putul cu Plopi, Nr. 8, (langa Parcul Cismigiu) - sector 1, Bucuresti
43. Luca, Gradinita si Cresa - Lacul Tei, Bucuresti 0721335161; 0744894206 Str. Sanmedru, Nr. 25, Sector 2, Bucuresti
44. Fridolin - Gradinita, Scoala Germana Bucuresti 0723219616; 0723584872 Str. Temisana, Nr. 1, Sector 1, Bucuresti
45. Oskar - Before&After School Bucuresti 0734040227; 0730948470 Str. Monetariei, nr. 12, sector 1
46. Arc-en-Ciel, Gradinita - Bucuresti 0212524665; 0725519386; 0726126808 Str. Ion Heliade Radulescu, Nr. 18, Sector 2, Bucuresti
47. Junior School - Gradinita Bucuresti 0751223159 Str. Calimachi, nr. 17, Sector 2,
48. Amadeus - Afterschool Bucuresti 0770896313; 0721841416 Str. Amidonul, nr. 2, Sector 2
49. Gradinita Magica, Bucuresti 0765221341; 0723892378 Str. Stefan Mihaileanu, Nr. 33, Sector 2, Bucuresti
50. LTN Liceul Teoretic National - Gradinita, Gimnaziu, Liceu - Bucuresti 0720000171; 0732151931 Str. Dr. Iacob Felix, nr. 49, Sector 1, Bucuresti
51. Central Art Studio - After School/Cursuri Pentru Copii/Scoala de Vara Bucuresti 0745633737; 0765454244 Str. Popa Soare, nr. 29, sector 2
52. Cresa Teiul Doamnei Bucuresti 0314104891 Str. Teiul Doamnei, nr. 99, Sector 2
53. Gradinita nr. 233 sector 2 0216884518 Str. Antonescu Petre, nr. 20, Sector 2
54. Olga Gudynn, Gradinita si Scoala Floreasca - Bucuresti 0734411359; 0212311202 Str. Ancuta Baneasa, Nr. 8, sector 1, Bucuresti
55. Apostol - After School sector 2 0740951411 Str. Seneslav Voievod, Nr. 55, Sector 2
56. Veverita Jucausa - Gradinita sector 2 0726224859 Str. Litovoi Voievod, Nr. 38, Sector 2
57. Acorns British Style Nursery, Gradinita & After School, Bucuresti 0722476581; 0788418186 Str. Popa Soare, Nr. 63, Sector 2, Bucuresti
58. Aristokids, Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0722648885 Str. Lebedei, Nr. 25, Sector 1, Bucuresti
59. Casuta cu Pitici Mari si Mici - Gradinita, Afterschool Bucuresti 0722626268 Str. Silvia, nr. 11, Sector 2, Bucuresti
60. RosaMaria - Gradinita, cresa Bucuresti 0746808080 Str. Silvia, Nr. 18, Sector 2
61. Copacelul Vietii - Gradinita Bucuresti 0721464185 Str. Radu Calomfirescu, nr. 9, sector 3
62. CoolTure MindS - After School Bucuresti 0743359307 Bd. Alexandru Ioan Cuza, nr. 37, Sector 1
63. Bell - Gradinita, Afterschool Bucuresti 0728694516 Str. Mecet, Nr. 53, Sector 2
64. Monteclaris - Gradinita, before si afterschool Bucuresti 0724671560; 0784606075 Str. Maria Hagi Moscu, Nr. 29, Sector 1
65. Gradinita MAPN Nr. 2 Bucuresti 0213156889 Str. Constantin Cristescu, nr. 5, sector 1
66. Gradinita Nr. 248 Bucuresti 0212224120 Str. Artur Vartejeanu, Nr. 15, Sector 1
67. Super Start - Gradinita, After School sector 2 0720528738 Bd. Ferdinand I, nr. 156, Sector 2
68. Don Quijote - Afterschool Bucuresti 0725737793 Str. Ioan Slavici, nr. 4, sector 1
69. Gradinita nr. 206 - Gradinita cu program prelungit Bucuresti 0212229287 Str. Constantin Disescu, nr. 37, sector 1
70. Gradinita nr. 276 Bucuresti 0212423280 Str. Corabia, nr. 57, sector 2
71. Lauder-Reut Kindergarten - Gradinita Bucuresti 0318055772; 0723098800; 0735505395 Str. Iuliu Barasch, Nr. 15, Sector 3, Bucuresti
72. Edu Friends - Before & After School Bucuresti 0783080096 Str. Berzei, Nr. 5, Sector 1
73. Oxigen Sport - Befor School, After School Bucuresti 0722529429 Str. Duzilor, Nr. 23, sector 2, Bucuresti
74. Taramul Cunoasterii - Cresa si Gradinita Bucuresti 0724278826 Str. Ioan G. Bibicescu, Nr. 11, Sector 1, Bucuresti
75. Copiii Montessori - Gradinita sector 3 0721204642 Str. Labirint, nr. 95, Sector 3
76. Creative Minds Kindergarten - Gradinita Bucuresti 0726152551 Str. Alexandru Deparateanu, nr. 38, sector 1
77. Go Kids Go - Before and After-School Bucuresti 0723076434; 0766480774 Str. Clucerului, nr. 21, sector 1
78. Cresa Sinaia sector 2 0212403528 Aleea Sinaia, nr. 4, sector 2
79. Gradinita nr. 73 sector 5 0213154355 Splaiul Independentei, nr. 68, sector 5
80. Olga Gudynn, Gradinita si Scoala Cotroceni - Bucuresti 0734411332; 0214106995 Str. Fagaras, Nr. 6, Sector 1, Bucuresti
81. Luminita - Gradinita sector 2 0212503180 Sos. Iancului, nr. 4A, sector 2
82. Sf. Imparati Constantin si Elena, Gradinita Bucuresti 0722237110; 0722293056; 0213261361 Str. Labirint, Nr. 137 B , Sector 3, Bucuresti
83. Noel - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0728459857; 0725839363 Str. Trifoi, Nr. 10, Sector 3, Bucuresti
84. Kindi - Centru de educatie timpurie Montessori, Bucuresti 0726876873 Str. Delea Veche, Nr 35, sector 2
85. Gradinita nr. 137 sector 2 0212407581; 0217960289 Str. Plumbuita, nr. 5, sector 2
86. Mihai Ionescu - Gradinita, Scoala, Liceu Bucuresti 0213235495 Str. Parfumului, Nr. 31, Sector 2, Bucuresti
87. Clopotel - Gradinita Bucuresti 0212502197 Str. Elev Dridu Georgescu, nr. 2, sector 2
88. The Little Artist - Gradinita Bucuresti 0737365283; 0743814767; 0722680765 Str. Ing. Zablovschi, Nr. 7, Sector 1, Bucuresti
89. Domino - Gradinita Bucuresti 0722492047 Str. Constantin Georgian,, nr. 27, sector 2, Bucuresti
90. Academia Fantastica - Gradinita, Before & After School sector 3 0731027321; 0723337393; 0213065370 Str. Moise Nicoara, Nr. 7, Sector 3
91. Once Upon a Time - Centrul educational adlerian Bucuresti 0770590487 Str. Ciobanasului, Nr. 22A, Sector 2
92. Gradinita Quiz 0751425562 Str. Abrud, nr. 134-136, sector 1
93. Zum Zum - Gradinita Bucuresti 0745685556; 0740704922 Str. Vespasian, Nr. 37, Sector 1, Bucuresti
94. Pitiricky - Clubul celor mici - Bucuresti 0724648513 Str. Ialomicioarei , Nr. 13, Sector 1, Bucuresti
95. Cresa Ciobanasului 0213223085 Str. Ciobanasului, nr. 23, sector 2,
96. Aurora - Gradinita & After School sector 3 0744317320; 0213224168 Str. Moise Nicoar?, nr. 9-11, sector 3
97. Prikindel - Cresa, Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0314059269; 0722522198 Str. Sf. Ilie, nr. 5, sector 4,
98. Bambi Step by Step- Gradinita Bucuresti 0213273256; 0317102928 Str. Gh. Dem Teodorescu, Nr.16 bis, Sector 3, Bucuresti
99. KeiKo AfterSchool Bucuresti 0748880866 Str. Magura Vulturului, nr. 6, Sector 2
100. Gradinita M.Ap.N. nr. 1 sector 6 0213196009; 0766298724 Calea Plevnei, nr. 137B, sector 6
101. Arlechino & Friends - Gradinita si afterschool - Bucuresti 0723264032; 0749028820; 0213260584 Str. Cezar Boliac, Nr. 22-24, Sector 3, Bucuresti
102. Gradinita Nr. 256 Bucuresti 0212506222 Str. Atanase Ionescu, Nr. 25, Sector 2
103. Discover Me- Gradinita Bucuresti 0747774809 Str. Constantin Noica, Nr. 120, sector 6, Bucuresti
104. My Universe - Afterschool si gradinita, Bucuresti 0788416164 Str. Costache Negri, Nr. 9-11, sector 5
105. Rainbow Kids - Gradinita si scoala primara Bucuresti 0737081690; 0773349170 Str. Ion Dragalina, Nr. 8, Sector 5, Bucuresti
106. Pisicile Aristocrate - Gradinita sector 4 0213350635; 0213363680 Bd. Regina Maria, nr. 28-30, Sector 4
107. Micii Poznasi - Cresa, Gradinita Bucuresti 0725911233 Calea Serban Voda, Nr. 22-24, Sector 4
108. Pick Me Academy - Gradinita si scoala, Bucuresti 0726000640 Str. Slt. Pompiliu Manoliu, Nr. 7,Sector 2, Bucuresti
109. Praslea cel Voinic - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0722773103; 0733839824 Str. Competitiei, Nr. 38, Sector 2, Bucuresti
110. Gradinita din Povesti - Bucuresti 0724987747 Str. Costache Marinescu, Nr. 1A, Sector 1
111. Bob de Grau, Gradinita si Cresa - Bucuresti 0720446942 Str. Agricultori, Nr. 142, Sector 3, Bucuresti
112. International Kindergarten & Nursery - Gradinita Bucuresti 0723248978; 0314327798 Str. Claudiu, Nr. 26, Sector 2, Bucuresti
113. Avenor - Gradinita Bucuresti 0737043475 Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, nr. 65, sector 1
114. Montessori Orizonturi Libere - Gradinita si scoala, Bucuresti 0726766663; 0733914286; 0787829354 Str. Unditei, nr. 11, Sector 1
115. Clubul Micul Print - afterschool Bucuresti 0733750795 Str. Dr. Nicolae Staicovici, Nr. 51, Sector 5, Bucuresti
116. Teddybar - Gradinita, Bucuresti 0212224455; 0723048602 Str. Soimarestilor, nr. 29, sector 1, Bucuresti
117. Cami - Gradinita particulara si afterschool Bucuresti 0757402573 Str. Carol Knappe, nr. 45,sector 1, Bucuresti
118. Kiga 99 Luftballons - Gradinita, After School in limba germana Bucuresti 0722395197; 0745423467 Str. Theodor Sperantia, nr. 81, sector 3
119. Cami Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0757402573; 0749018642 Str. Carol Knappe, Nr. 45, Sector 1, Bucuresti
120. Ray of Light Montessori - Gradinita, Bucuresti Str. Gladiolelor, Nr. 15, sector 4
121. BritAcademy, Gradinita in limba engleza - Bucuresti 0740329105 Str. Olimpiadei, Nr. 36, Sector 2, Bucuresti
122. Ingenius Club - After School Bucuresti 0729164275; 0733975456 Str. Virgil Plesoianu, nr. 108, sector 1
123. Orhideea Kids - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0748595311 Calea Plevnei, Nr. 145B, sector 1, Bucuresti
124. Kinderträume - Gradinita Bucuresti 0744507988 Splaiul Independentei, Nr. 195, sector 6, Bucuresti
125. Hänsel und Gretel - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0212247704; 0743332447 Str. Mr. Av. Stefan Sanatescu, Nr. 19, sector 1, Bucuresti
126. Centrul multifunctional Cresa Craiasa Zapezii sector 4 0371360117; 0371360127 Str. Oitelor, nr. 50, sector 4
127. Happy Kids Project - After school si before school, Bucuresti 0745152802 Sos. Iancului, Nr. 110, Sector 2, Bucuresti
128. Gradinita nr. 97 Bucuresti 0212241162 Str. Islaz, nr. 13, Sector 1
129. Bergman Nature Kindergarten - Bucuresti 0743918743 Str. Elena Caragiani, Nr. 21C, sector 1
130. Abcdino, Gradinita - Bucuresti 0213231070; 0725929616; 0745397739 Str. Chiparosului, Nr. 31, Sector 3, Bucuresti
131. City Kids - Gradinita si afterschool Bucuresti 0756862825 Str. Ruschita, Nr. 41, sector 2
132. Sfera Kinderzentrum - Gradinita, Before & After School Bucuresti 0728024897 Calea Grivitei, nr. 194, sector 1
133. Funny Clown, Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0740806356 Str. Ruschita, Nr. 41, Sector 2, Bucuresti
134. Kids First - Gradinita Bucuresti 0748880866; Str. Sica Alexandrescu, nr. 20, Sector 2,
135. Lumea lui Momo - Gradinita Bucuresti 0748055255 Str. Ipotesti, Nr. 23, Sector 4
136. Buna Vestire - Gradinita, After School sector 4 0787435172 Str. Episcopul Chesarie, nr. 9, Sector 4
137. Kids\' World Nursery School - Gradinita Bucuresti 0771242641 Bd. Basarabia, Nr. 2, Sector 3
138. Little Oaks Academy - Gradinita sector 3 0766572126; 0766572127 Sos. Mihai Bravu, Sos. Mihai Bravu nr. 286, sector 3
139. Gradinita nr. 271 sector 5 0214109024 Bd. Eroii Sanitari, nr. 77, sector 5
140. Fundatia School and Fun - Gradinita Sotron 0216555398 ; 0721727323 Str. Gherghitei, Nr.7, Sector 2 (Cartier Colentina), Bucuresti
141. Lill put - Centru de educatie nonformala pentru prescolari, Bucuresti 0722647423 Str. Sarafinesti, Nr. 29, sector 2
142. Gradinita nr. 30 sector 4 0213362078 Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, nr. 16A, Sector 4
143. Children\'s Joy, Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0731258277; 0754317732 Str. Gramont, Nr. 3, Sector 4, Bucuresti
144. Asociatia Conil - Gradinita pentru copii cu nevoi speciale Bucuresti 0784412222; 0217466704; 0735847526 Str. Dr. Victor Poloni , nr 14, Sector 5, Bucuresti
145. Copii de Poveste - Gradinita sector 4 0740051582 Str. Poterasi, nr. 5, sector 4
146. ERA Kinderland - Gradinita, after school in limba germana sector 3 0728850073; 0213207697 Str. Dristorului, nr. 67, sector 3
147. Gradinita lui David - Bucuresti 0751103010; 0769245552 Intr. Catedrei, Nr. 10, sector 1, Bucuresti
148. Mell - Gradinita cu Program Normal sector 3 0744564426; 0722958683 Str. Vlad Dracu, nr. 43, sector 3
149. Gradinita nr. 188 Castel sector 2 0212504180; 0213179946 Bd. Pierre de Coubertin, nr. 1, sector 2
150. Young Academics - AfterSchool Bucuresti 0755095974 Str. Trotusului, nr. 39, sector 1
151. Little Star - Gradinita, After School sector 3 0745531279; 0724506631 Str. Alexandru Magatti, nr. 13 A , sector 3
152. Puisor - Gradinita Nr. 268 Bucuresti 0214104010 Str. Ion Creanga, Nr. 8, Sector 5, Bucuresti
153. Clubul Boreal, Gradinita - Bucuresti 0721124249 Str. Valerian Prescurea, Nr. 5, Sector 4, Bucuresti
154. Smiley Kindergarten, Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0314366138; 0722541744 Str. Gabriel Cioran, nr. 6, sector 6,
155. Bulgarasi de Aur - Before & After School Bucuresti 0723398829 Str. Cogalnic, nr. 30, sector 3
156. Sfantul Nicolae, Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0729611918 Str. Sirenelor, Nr. 56-58, Sec­tor 5, Bucuresti
157. Smiley After School sector 2 0727401829 Bd. Basarabia, nr. 62A, sector 2
158. Little Princess 1 - Cresa, Gradinita Bucuresti 0756070390; 0744321574; 0744703973 Str. Popa Stoica Farcas, Nr. 64-66, Sector 3, Bucuresti
159. Happy Angel Academy - Cresa, Gradinita, Afterschool 0743344344; 0745515253 Strada Smaranda Braescu, nr.36, sector 1
160. Mary Poppins - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0212333868; 0723597206; 0745285826 Str. Aron Cotrus, Nr. 69 E, Sector 1, Bucuresti
161. Roxy Baby - Cresa Particulara Bucuresti 0314254309; 0723274924 Str. Slobozia, Nr. 29 , Sector 4, Bucuresti
162. Montessori Kids at work - Gradinita Bucuresti 0723357063 Str. Smaranda Braescu, nr. 40A-42, sector 1
163. Dumbo Kids Academy - Cresa, Gradinita, Before & After School sector 3 0722320023 Intr. Patinoarului, nr. 42A, sector 3
164. Karin\'s Kids Academy - Gradinita Bucuresti 0212250005 Str. Hermann Oberth, Nr. 33, Sector 1, Bucuresti
165. Innababy - Cresa, gradinita, afterschool Bucuresti 0722403847 Str. Tintasului, Nr. 3, Sector 1, Bucuresti
166. Licurici - Gradinita sector 4 0314377556; 0767503191 Str. Cuza Voda, nr. 141 A, Sector 4
167. Piccolo Grande - After School, loc de joaca sector 3 0754200258 Intr. Patinoarului, nr. 52, Sector 3
168. Scufita Rosie - Gradinita sector 4 0766541207 Calea Serban Voda, nr. 170 , sector 4
169. Focus Kids - AfterSchool Bucuresti 0785539018 Str. Inginer Cristian Pascal, nr. 7, sector 6
170. Genius Academy - Cresa, Gradinita , Scoala Primara si After School Bucuresti 0724111678; 0744638435 Calea Serban Voda, nr. 145, sector 4
171. Mica Printesa - Gradinita, after school Bucuresti 0744321574; 0744703973 Str. Vulcan Judetu, nr. 16, sector 3,
172. Little Princess 2 - After School / Before School Bucuresti 0744703973; 0744321574; 0756070390 Str. Vulcan Judetu, Nr. 16, Sector 3, Bucuresti
173. Palatul Copiilor - Gradinita, After School sector 3 0740673742; 0314251635 Str. Morilor, Nr. 19, sector 3
174. Melba - Centru Educational Bucuresti 0722461015 Str. Lanariei, Nr. 117 , Sector 4, Bucuresti
175. Maya si Prietenii - Cresa, Gradinita sector 2 0755359162 Str. Herta, nr. 32A, Sector 2,
176. Family Kids, Gradinita si After School - Bucuresti 0722565657; 0723281551 Str. Mugur Mugurel, Nr. 21, Sector 3, Bucuresti
177. Madi AfterSchool sector 2 0757837644 Str. Herta, nr. 32A, Sector 2
178. Gradinita Nr.161 (Brandusa) sector 3 0314250834; 0314250835 Str. Branduselor, Nr. 37/43, sector 3
179. Teach Little People - Centru educational, Bucuresti 0727401433 Str. Alexander von Humboldt, nr. 2, sector 3
180. Elite - Cresa, Gradinita Bucuresti 0766687691 Str. Lanariei, Nr. 136, Sector 4, Bucuresti
181. Smart Steps - Gradinita , After School sector 3 0733965133 Str. Dristorului, nr. 91-95, bl. E, Parter, sector 3
182. Taramul Magic Voi Reusi - After School sector 2 0727540913 Bd. Chisinau, nr. 6-8, sector 2
183. Saga Kid - After School sector 3 0743266500; 0756169135 Str. Campia Libertatii, nr. 44, sector 3,
184. Ana Lugojana - Gradinite, Scoala Primara, Gimnaziala si After School Bucuresti 0724342409 Str. Constantin Miculescu, nr. 10, sector 5, Bucuresti
185. Le Carrousel - Gradinita in limba franceza Bucuresti 0745101783 Str. Grigore Gafencu, nr. 14, sector 1
186. Gradinita nr. 269 sector 5 0213354544 Str. Constantin Miculescu, nr. 12, sector 5
187. Adnan, Gradinita - Bucuresti 0744606010; 0722205243 Intr. Buturugeni, Nr. 7 Sector 5, Bucuresti
188. Primii Pasi - Gradinita si Cresa Fundeni 0212400469; 0722522898 Str. Sucidava, nr. 27, Sector 2, Bucuresti
189. Centrul Educational Fecioara Maria - Cresa, Gradinita Bucuresti 0799741474; 0770574645 Str. Eufrosina Popescu, Nr. 30, Sector 3, Bucuresti
190. Capsunica - Gradinita sector 3 0765516162 Str. Constantin Nottara, nr. 27, sector 3
191. Centrul Educational Nordic sector 4 0786391446 Splaiul Unirii, Nr. 176, Corp D3, Sector 4
192. Iulia Pantazi - Centrul psihologic pentru copii Bucuresti 0745480458; 0317304741 Str. Cernauti, Nr.1, Sector 2, Bucuresti
193. Good Family - Gradinita Bucuresti 0748224225 Str. Nicolae Filimon, Nr. 73A, sector 6
194. Gradinita Nr. 239 sector 3 0213245490 Str. Dristorului, nr. 102, sector 3
195. Sunshine Edu - After School Bucuresti 0741123340 Str. Lt. Av. Vasile Fuica, nr. 42, Sector 1
196. PRO Academy Afterschool 0744501156 Str. Sibiel, nr. 6, Sector 4
197. Insula Copilariei - Gradinita, After School sector 2 0722642428 Str. Ropotului, nr. 25, sector 2
198. Centrul Social Multifunctional Cresa Scufita Rosie sector 4 0733200109; 0372874267; 0372715100, 0372715101 Aleea Tohani, nr. 1, bl.30, sc. 1, parter, sector 4
199. Iuladi Kids - Cresa, gradinita Bucuresti 0769088777 Str. Breaza, Nr. 78, Sector 3
200. Castelul Bucuriei - Gradinita Bucuresti 0730515181 Str. Vasile Voiculescu, nr. 30, sector 3
201. Copil Dorit - Gradinita Bucuresti 0736820068; 0722166358 Sos. Viilor, Nr. 33, Sector 5, Bucuresti
202. Alegra, Gradinita - Bucuresti 0746167291 Str. Finta, Nr. 25, Sector 6, Bucuresti
203. Paradisul Copiilor - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0730007062 Str. G-ral. Haralambie Nicolae, Nr. 38, Sector 4, Bucuresti
204. Centrul Educational Nectarel - Afterschool Bucuresti 0740221854 Str. Baba Novac, nr. 17, sector 3
205. Dandi Kids, Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0726758303 Str. Rasovita, Nr. 18, Sector 3, Bucuresti
206. Gradinita nr. 40 sector 6 0212203340 Str. Tabla Butii, nr. 60, sector 6
207. Little Team - Gradinita / After School Bucuresti 0799774767 Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 191, sector 5
208. Max und Moritz Kinder - Gradinita limba germana & After School Bucuresti 0726374434 Str. Plugarilor, Nr. 24, Sector 4, Bucuresti
209. Academia Gifted International, Gradinita & After School - Bucuresti 0724381661; 0722277090 Str. Sold. Simion Stefan, nr. 39, sector 4, Bucuresti
210. Legolas - Centru Educational sector 3 0787322298; 0787460258; 0787298295 Str. Nucului, nr. 55, sector 3
211. Kids Power - Centru educational holistic pentru copii Bucuresti 0741248260 Str. Nucului, nr. 55, sector 3
212. Dreamland - Gradinita Bucuresti 0787521511 Str. Plugarilor, nr. 20-22, Sector 4, Bucuresti
213. Equilibrum - Gradinita Bucuresti 0724064503; 0724862068 Bd. Expozitiei, Nr. 2, Sector 1
214. Iboo - Gradinita Bucuresti 0770325689; 0773975780 Bd. Expozitiei, nr. 2, sector 1
215. Puiutul Pufos - Gradinita Bucuresti 0740140968; 0213440010 Str. Emanoil Marius Buteica, Nr. 30, Sector 3, Bucuresti
216. Gradinita Nr. 280 sector 2 0212557980; 0212550205 Str. Delfinului, nr. 4, sector 2
217. Piticul Curajos - Gradinita, After School sector 3 0749607276; 0314373583; 0213240124 Str. Copaceni, Nr. 64, sector 3
218. Electromagnetica - Gradinita sector 5 0218915699; 0214232110 Calea Rahovei, nr. 266, sector 5
219. Casuta cu ferestre - Gradinita Bucuresti 0721660052 Str. Gheorghe Lupu, nr. 19, sector 4
220. Castelul Fermecat - Gradinita, After School Bucuresti 0745770001; 0752314458; 0765957032 Drumul Murgului, Nr. 32, Sector 3, Bucuresti
221. Fulg de Nea - Gradinita sector 6 0212203132 Sos. Ciurel, Nr. 9-11, sector 6
222. Smart & Fun After School Crangasi 0765518746; 0766891844 Intr. Sipetului, Nr. 3, Sector 6
223. Gradinita nr. 283 Bucuresti 0212322093 Bd. Ficusului, nr. 25, sector 1
224. Cresa Potcoava (Titan II) sector 3 0213244810; 0213244880 Str. Pictor Gheorghe Tattarescu, nr. 10, sector 3
225. Just4Kids - Scoala Gimnaziala cu nivel gimnazial, primar si prescolar Bucuresti 0739674601 Str. Vantului, Nr. 27, Sector 3, Bucuresti
226. Big Smile - Gradinita, scoala primara, After School Bucuresti 0722557333 Str. Cutitul de Argint, nr. 74, sector 4, Bucuresti
227. Gradinita nr. 69 sector 3 0213244141; 0213240000 Bd. Pictor Nicolae Grigorescu, nr. 14, sector 3
228. Mickey\'s House - Before & After School sector 6 0785539018 Str. Pietrele Doamnei, nr. 18, Sector 6
229. Jolly Pepe - Club educational pentru copii si adulti, Before&After School sector 4 0748080088 Str. Mitropolit Grigore, nr. 4A, parter, sector 4
230. Maria Ward - Gradinita sector 4 0722789787 Calea Serban Voda, nr. 223, sector 4
231. B-Happy Afterschool sector 3 0722396590 Intr. Horbotei, nr. 12, bl. 4, parter, sector 3
232. Smart Kids - Scoala Gimnaziala, Scoala Primara si Gradinita Bucuresti 0745022714 Str. C-tin Dobrogeanu Gherea, Nr. 22A, Sector 1, Bucuresti
233. Rose Mary - Gradinita & After School Bucuresti 0747179897 Str. Baneasa, Nr. 27B, vila 3, Sector 1, Bucuresti
234. After School Sector 1 0747179897 Str. Baneasa, Nr. 27, Sector 1, Bucuresti
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